Natalia Love is a pediatric Physical Therapist (PT), specializing in early intervention birth- 3 y/o, since 2009. She has a Master’s and Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Natalia’s areas of specialty include neurologic, musculoskeletal, genetic, cardiac, and sensorimotor conditions contributing to gross motor delays and physiological impairments including but not limited to SMA, CP, Down Syndrome, Prematurity, Autism, stroke, Torticollis, postural dysfunction, hyper/hypo-tonia, and developmental delays. Natalia is a skilled manual therapist, utilizing variety of treatment techniques such as NDT, soft tissue mobilization, orthotics and other adaptive equipment consultation, kinesiology taping, and variety of therapeutic exercises and activities. Her primary goal is to assist the child in reaching the highest possible level of function through specific physical therapy intervention that is based on normal sequential patterns of gross motor (musculoskeletal and neuromuscular) as well as personal-social, cognitive and self-help skills. Natalia is fluent in Bulgarian. She has basic Russian and Serbian language skills, Spanish for PT, and is a beginner in the Arabic language.